Carpet stains are so annoying and yet so prevalent. As much as we’d like not to, it’s the most frequently stained part of our homes.
To make dealing with carpet stains easier next time, we’ve got some pretty nifty tips that can make cleaning as easy as ever.
Here are 7 important tips for cleaning carpet stains
1. Speed is a major factor in cleaning
Did you know that it’s easier to deal with stains that are more stubborn in nature, but you set out to remove them immediately, than stains that are generally easy to clean, but you just never got around to washing them right away?
One of the most typical examples is blood stains, which can be cleaned if you immediately place the stain under cold running water. However, this should be done immediately before the blood has started to clot.
2. The wine can be cleaned from the carpet/rug
Removing stains from the carpet
Red wine is often described as a “death sentence” and radically ruining your favourite carpet or rug at home.
Indeed, wine stains are terribly stubborn and can break you with their arrogant resilience to any detergent and cleaning technique you can think of.
However, red wine also has its weaknesses. For example, combining baking soda and apple cider vinegar can prove to be much more stubborn than wine and cause it to fade quickly and gradually clear completely.
3. Soak, don’t rub
A very important and delicate point in cleaning stains is the technology with which you try to remove them. You should not scrub the stains, because this can cause them to spread on the carpet, and eventually lead to the inability to clean it.
Instead, prefer to clean them with paper that absorbs very well. Aim for the movement to be from the periphery to the centre of the stain. This will limit the area on which there is spotting and localize the stain to a small area.
4. Did you know that shaving cream cleans?
You also know that less than 1% of people know about this trick and in practice most never use it. Shaving cream is an extremely effective product to clean annoying stains from the floor.
All you need is one bottle of shaving cream, but the kind that you use as a spray. The cream from the tubes also helps, but its efficacy is significantly less.
You need to put some shaving cream on the carpet, then wait a while for it to work and clean. If the stain is not gone you can try again, but this time rub the spot with a cloth.
5. The most popular home remedies for carpet/rug cleaning
In order to clean the carpet well from stains, it is not at all necessary to use expensive and luxurious detergents and commercial detergents. They work, but there are always other ideas that can cost you a lot less and do the same job at the same time.
Among the top products that one would benefit from keeping on hand are vinegar and baking soda. They have exceptional cleaning properties. To these, we can add other products, such as lemons, whose freshly squeezed juice works really wonders.
6. Not all stains are cleaned with water
We all have the same habit – when we see a stain somewhere, we immediately start cleaning and scrubbing with water and a rag. However, it is important to know that not every type of stain is right to clean with water. There are stains where water will not only have any positive effect in cleaning, but even the opposite – it can seriously blow the stain or help it soak even deeper.
Among the leaders in the world of stains that should never be treated with water are pollen, ink, oil or olive oil, and mud. These all react badly to water, becoming even harder to clean.
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